
We make sure that your system is installed to meet Valley's specifications and guidelines for unmatched performance and reliable service. Parts and service.

The ongoing availability of parts and service "on a timely basis" is a critical element in making Valley and Mercier Valley Farm your best value in irrigation systems. We do all we can to have all your system repairs complete within 24 hrs.

Our service technicians are factory trained and their service trucks are stocked with necessary parts, tools and equipment to quickly service your system. Ralph has 25 years of experience and has been a factory trained service tec. since 1984.

If you’re not yet watering in circles, you might wonder this. Why pivots? There are a lot of opportunities to save. The biggest savings is probably LABOR. If you’re converting from flood irrigation or wheel lines, your labor will decrease significantly. Probably by 75%. Think about the things you can cross off your to-do list: moving gated pipe, moving siphon tubes, opening gates. It’s hard work, during odd hours. And if you’re the one doing it, you can improve your quality of life significantly with a switch to pivots. There’s also WATER to be saved. With flood irrigation, you drown one end of the field to push the water to the other end. With pivot irrigation, you apply specific amounts of water into the root zone, where it’s best utilized. Water use can be cut by half with a switch to pivots. And then, let’s think about fuel. You’ll be pumping less water, so you’ll pay to pump less water. Whether you’re paying for electricity or diesel, you can expect to pay half, once you switch to pivots.


Access, manage and monitor your equipment at a glance with BaseStation3 software by Valley from almost any device.


Our knowledge of agricultural practices and field conditions with Valley's extensive irrigation experience and training to select and design the Valley system to meet your needs.


We make sure that your system is installed to meet Valley's specifications and guidelines for unmatched performance and reliable service.